Tips on Training, Boats and Paddles for Endurance Paddling Races

It’s been a difficult time recently as I’ve struggled with a knee injury that has randomly changed in severity and has more or less sidelined me for the past few months. I think I’ve managed about 4 runs since October as some days it would feel fine and the next I wouldn’t be able to walk down the stairs. It managed to last long enough with appropriate ibuprofen use to last me through the IGWA race in Guadeloupe in November, but since then only a few sporadic runs and zero time on the bike, have meant that my left is wasting away to nothing! :o(

So in the meantime I’ve been sat on the kayak ergo trying to really build up strength in what is undoubtedly my, and most British adventure racer’s, worst discipline. (Actually inline skating may be even less successful!). Getting proper paddle training advice and guidance on technique and training is invaluable and this weblog with links to a whole bunch of articles has been really useful, I hope others find the same.

Tips on Training, Boats and Paddles for Endurance Paddling Races

Stay strong!
